(西北师范大学 体育学院,甘肃 兰州 730070) 摘 要:我国对休闲体育与社会体育(群众体育、大众体育)区分不清,在学术界是各唱各调,在高校体育专业上是各自办学,这不利于休闲体育的发展。发达国家在休闲体育发展上重视休闲和休闲体育的研究、重视休闲教育和休闲体育的开展、重视发展休闲体育产业、重视培育发展休闲体育的中坚力量等经验值得我国借鉴。提出休闲体育在我国的出路:一是休闲体育和社会体育并存发展,二是在融合过程中休闲体育取代社会体育。 |
YUAN Ming-yu
(School of Physical Education,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China) Abstract: In China, leisure sports and social sports (mass sports, sports for all) are not clearly distinguished, schol-ars talk about them differently on academic forums, universities manage physical education differently, which are not conducive to the development of leisure sport. Developed countries’ experiences in leisure sports development, such as valuing the study of leisure and leisure sports, the development of leisure education and leisure sports, the development of the leisure sports industry, the cultivation and development of backbone forces for leisure sports etc, are worthy of our reference. The author put forward the following solutions for leisure sports development in China: 1)develop leisure sports and social sports concurrently; 2)replace social sports with leisure sports during fusion. |