(咸阳师范学院 体育系,陕西 咸阳 712000) 摘 要:从“项目本质特征”的视角,对运动项目的分类体系进行研究。结果发现:原有分类体系越来越难以满足现代运动训练实践的需求,利用“项目本质特征”作为分类标准,更有利于把握项目群体内部的训练规律。结合对竞技能力结构作用等级的重新认定,新建智能主导类项群、体技能主导类项群、技战能主导类项群和综合主导类项群。 |
GUO Ke-lei
(Department of Physical Education,Xianyang Normal University,Xianyang 712000,China) Abstract: From the perspective of “essential characteristics of events”, the author studied the sports event classifi-cation system, and revealed the following findings: it had been more and more difficult for the original classification system to satisfy the needs of modern sports training; utilizing “essential characteristics of events” as a classification standard will be more conducive to grasping training patterns inside event groups; by redefining the ratings of structural functions of competitive capacities, the author established an intelligence type event group, an endurance and skill type event group, a skill and tactic type event group, and a comprehensive event group. |