(1.大连理工大学 文法学院,辽宁 大连 116024;2.南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京 210046) 摘 要:在对当代竞技体育本质反思的基础上,认为人之身体的失落是其本质异化的根源所在。继而引入西方身体哲学中的身体显现、身体认知、身体符号等核心思想,对同样起源于西方且根植于身体活动的竞技体育本质进行与之相应的身体哲学解读。研究认为,在现有竞技体育本质研究背景下,竞技体育中身体存在的唤醒与身体地位的复归是身体之于竞技体育而言的本质所在,且具体体现为身体的释放与生成、身体的认知与超越、身体的社会表征与文化承载。 |
YU WEN-qian1,YANG Yun2
(1.School of Literature and Law,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China;2.School of Physical Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China) Abstract: On the basis of rethinking the nature of contemporary competitive sports, the authors concluded that the loss of the human body is the root cause for the dissimilation of its nature. Then, by introducing such core concepts of western body philosophy as body appearance, body cognition and body symbol, the authors put a corresponding body philosophy interpretation on the nature of competitive sports which originated from the west likewise and based on body activities. In this research the authors concluded that under the background of existing researches on the nature of competitive sports, the awakening of body existence and the return of body status in competitive sports are the nature of the body in terms of competitive sports, and specifically embodied in the release and generation of the body, the cognition and exceeding of the body, the social characteristics and cultural loads of the body. |