(河北理工大学 体育部,河北 唐山 063009) 摘 要:从竞技体育公平竞争事件发生的时间顺序这一理论视角,包括起点公平、过程公平、结果公平3个时序阶段,辅以机会平等问题补充论述,对伦敦奥运会有关公平竞争的案例进行评论与分析。分析认为竞技体育起点公平问题不可消除,只能采取经济与技术援助的方式,缩小由竞争起点的不对等造成的竞争差距。过程公平问题受到竞赛价值选择、规则制定、运动员行为、裁判员行为、气候变化、场地环境等因素的影响。起点公平和过程公平并不能塑造一个公平的结果,国际组织机构的评价和国际媒体舆论的力量可以影响和改变结果公平。机会平等是公平竞争的前提,但是机会平等的实现,并不总是能获得公平的比赛结果。总体来说,公平竞争是一种理想,人类的所有努力只能无限接近公平竞争的理想状态,让比赛看起来更合理,尽可能平衡各方利益关系以减少争议。 |
(Department of Physical Education,Hebei Polytechnic University,Tangshan 063009,China) Abstract: From such a theoretical perspective as the time sequence of a fair competition incident occurring to a com-petitive sport, including such 3 time frames as start point fairness, process fairness and result fairness, coupled with supplemental expatiation on issues such as opportunity equality, the author reviewed and analyzed fair competition re-lated cases occurring during the London Olympic Games, and put forward the following opinions: the issue of start point fairness in competitive sports cannot be eliminated, competition differences caused by the inequality of competi-tion start points can be diminished only by means of economic and technical assistance; the issue of process fairness is affected by factors such as competition value selection, rule establishment, athlete behavior, referee behavior, weather change, venue environment etc; start point fairness and process fairness cannot produce a fair result, yet the evaluation of international organizations and the power of speech of international media can influence and change result fairness; opportunity fairness is the precondition of fair competition, but the realization of opportunity fairness cannot always turn out a fair competition result; in general, fair competition is an ideal, so all the efforts made by human beings can only make competition infinitely close to the ideal condition of fair competition, make games look more reasonable, and balance the interest relationships between various parties as much as possible in order to reduce controversies. |