(山东大学 体育学院,山东 济南 250061) 摘 要:在对体育用品共性技术概念及作用分析的基础上,研究了体育用品共性技术在我国的发展历程、发展现状及发展趋势。为促进体育产业自主创新和体育产业管理系统深入发展,应加强对体育用品共性技术分类、理论体系、组织管理、供需机制、创新模式、推广机制等的研究。 |
WANG Xian-liang,ZHANG Rui-lin,WANG Xiao-fang
(School of Physical Education,Shandong University,Jinan 250061,China) Abstract: Based on their analysis on the concept and functions of sports good generic technology, the authors stud-ied the history, current status and trend of development of sports goods generic technology in China. In order to boost the further development of independent sports industrial innovation and the sports industrial management system, we should intensify researches on the classification, theoretical system, organizational management, supply and demand mechanism, popularization mechanism etc., of sports goods generic technology. |