(安阳工学院 体育教学部,河南 安阳 455000) 摘 要:分析了对功能性训练的不同理解,并尝试提出运动训练实践中的人体功能链及其弱链问题,阐明了现代运动训练创新的生物学理论渊源。人体链结构是机体结构功能作用外部体现的物质基础,其中功能链是对神经链、肌肉链、内分泌链、关节链与能量链等具体形态链状结构的直观、宏观、形象的描述,功能性弱链是链结构内部单元环节的相对弱化,导致机体功能失衡及运动损伤,应当引起运动医学与运动训练专家、教练员的重视。 |
JIANG Hong-bin
(Department of Physical Education,Anyang Institute of Technology,Anyang 455000,China) Abstract: The author analyzed different understandings of functional training, and tried to put forward the issue abut human body function chains and their week chains in the practice of sports training, expatiated on the biologi-cal theory origin of modern sports training innovation. The human body’s chain structures are the material founda-tion for the external expression of the body’s structural functions, in which function chains are the intuitive, macro-scopic, vivid descriptions about shape specific chain structures such as nerve chain, muscle chain, internal secretion chain, joint chain and energy chain etc; the relative weakening of unit links inside the chain structures of functional weak chains will cause body function unbalance and sports injury, should be noticed by sports medicine and sports training experts and coaches. |