(1.闽南师范大学 体育系,福建 漳洲 363000;2.福建师范大学 体育学博士后流动站,福建 福州 350108) 摘 要:阵头在台湾民众的日常生活中具有重要地位;作为一项传统体育,民俗阵头受到现代西方体育冲击;台湾民俗体育发展应坚持人的主体地位,注意挖掘民俗体育的文化内涵,有效利用现代传媒,注重自身的变革与创新。台湾民俗体育的成功转型提示:创新是民俗传统体育发展进步的动力;民俗传统体育发展需要政府、社会、学校和民间传承人通力协作,共同努力;民俗传统体育更应注重自身理论体系的构建以适应时代需求。 |
ZHOU Chuan-zhi1,2,CHEN Jun-qin2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou 363000,China;2.Sport Postdoctoral Station,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350108,China) Abstract: Din Tao has an important position in the daily life of people in Taiwan; as a traditional sport, folk Din Tao is subject to the impact of western sports; during the development of folk sports, Taiwan can stick to the principal status of people, focus on digging the cultural connotations of folk sports, effectively utilize modern media, pay at-tention to its own reform and innovation. The successful transformation of folk sports in Taiwan suggests the fol-lowings: innovation is the impetus for the development and advancement of traditional national sports; the devel-opment of traditional national sports needs the coordinated cooperation and joint efforts of the government, society, schools and folk inheritors; traditional national sports should pay more attention to the construction of its own theo-retical system in order to meet the needs of the era. |