(1.北京科技大学 体育部,北京 100083;2.莆田学院 体育系,福建 莆田 351100;3.清华大学 材料科学与工程系 新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室,北京 100084) 摘 要:运用新型康复材料远红外陶瓷微珠作为干预手段探讨对大鼠一次性力竭运动骨骼肌CK、CK-MM、LDH指标的影响。将88只雄性SD大鼠分成11组(A组:安静对照组:1组;B组:运动后自然恢复组,即模型组:4组;C组:运动后+热水组,即模型+热水组:3组;D组:运动后远红外陶瓷微珠干预组,即模型+陶瓷微珠组:3组)。利用跑台实验大鼠运动至力竭,各组大鼠分别于安静时、运动后即刻、运动后24、48和72 h,测各个时相点的实验数据进行分析。结果显示:远红外陶瓷微珠组运动后24和48 h各时相血CK、CK-MM、LDH酶活性均低于常规恢复组与运动组。结果表明:远红外陶瓷微珠疗法具有减小骨骼肌细胞膜通透性,有利于骨骼肌微损伤的康复。 |
CAO Qing-lei1,HE Jian-wei2,YANG Jin-long3
(1.Department of Physical Education,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Putian University,Putian 351100,China;3.Department of Materials Science and Engineering,State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: By applying far infrared ceramic microspheres (a new material for rehabilitation) as a means of interven-tion, the authors probed into their effects on indexes CK, CK-MM and LDH of the skeletal muscles of rats going through one-time exhaustive exercising. The authors divided 88 male SD rats into 11 groups (group A: 1 calm con-trol group; group B: 4 natural recovery after exercising groups, i.e. model groups; group C: 3 after exercising + hot water groups, i.e. model + hot water groups; group D: 3 far infrared ceramic microsphere intervention after exercis-ing groups, i.e. model + ceramic microsphere groups), let the rats exercise to an exhausted condition by utilizing the treadmill experiment, measured and analyzed the experimental data of the rats in various groups respectively at calm, at the moment immediately after exercising, at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after exercising, and revealed the following findings: at 24 h and 48 h after exercising, the blood CK, CK-MM, LDH enzyme activities of the rats in the far in-frared ceramic microsphere groups were lower than those of the rats in the conventional recovery groups and exer-cising groups. The results indicated that the far infrared ceramic microsphere therapy played a role in reducing the permeability of skeletal muscle cell membrane and protecting skeletal muscle micro-damage. |