(1.南昌航空大学 体育学院,江西 南昌 330063;2.大连理工大学 体育教学部,辽宁 大连 116024) 摘 要:安德鲁•詹宁斯的《FIFA黑幕:国际足联的贿赂、选票操纵与球票丑闻》全面、深刻揭示了国际足球政治危机背后的潜规则乱象。高度集中的权力、个人敛财欲望、利益群体非对称性较量、法律制裁不力等是潜规则的成因。严格控制营利性行为、合理化分配资源权益、加快民主法治进程、强化媒体舆论监督、尝试全球治理实践等是国际足球政治变革的必由之路。 |
WANG Run-bin1,JIANG Yong2
(1.School of Physical Education,Nanchang Aeronautics University,Nanchang 330063,China;2.Department Physical Education,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China) Abstract: The book titled Foul! The Secret of World of FIFA: Bribes, Voted Rigging and Ticket Scandals written by Andrew Jennings revealed signs of chaos of hidden rules behind international football political crises. Highly cen-tralized power, individual greed for inappropriate wealth accumulation, asymmetrical gaming and inadequate legal sanctions are causes for the formation of hidden rules. Strictly controlling profit making behaviors, rationalizing re-source distributing rights, speeding up the development of democratic legal governance, intensifying media opinion monitoring, and trying the practicing of global governance, are inevitable ways to the reform of international foot-ball politics. |