(1.暨南大学,广东 广州 510632;2.广东体育职业技术学院,广东 广州 510663) 摘 要:通过对感觉统合与感觉统合失调的概念与机制、发生原因与危害,以及感觉统合训练概念与理论依据、效应等进行分析与研究。指出人对外界的正确应答能力是不同感觉刺激在大脑中经无数次统合训练而习得的;儿童的感觉统合失调既有神经解剖学原因,也与刺激量与类别的缺失有关;其危害主要表现在学习障碍、心理障碍、社会适应障碍以及社会行为与生活能力障碍等方面;而感觉统合训练是防治儿童感觉统合失调的一种有效方法。在此基础上,提出了针对学童感觉统合失调问题的小学体育教学建议。 |
XIAO Jian-zhong1,XU Li2
(1. Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China;2.Guangdong Vocational Institute of Sport,Guangzhou 510663,China) Abstract: By analyzing and studying the concept, mechanism, occurrence causes and hazards of sensory integration and sensory integration disorder, as well as the concept, theoretical criteria and effects of sensory integration train-ing, the authors put forward the following opinions: people’s ability to respond to the outside world correctly is ac-quired via countless times of integration training of different sensory stimuli in the brain; children sensory integra-tion disorder is provided with neuroanatomical causes, also related to the loss of stimulation quantity and type; its hazards mainly show in such aspects as learning disorder, mental disorder, social adaptation disorder as well as so-cial behavior and living ability disorder; while sensory integration training is an effective way to prevent children sensory integration disorder. Based on these opinions, the authors offered suggestions for elementary school physi-cal education teaching, which aim at the issue about children sensory integration disorder. |