(北京师范大学 体育与运动学院,北京 100875) 摘 要:通过文献资料对目前部分学者所指“少林僧人扶唐据贼的历史事实与少林武术无关”进行考证,得出以下结论:“少林武僧扶唐据贼”只是少林僧人从事的众多军事行动中的一件;少林的尚武之风从北魏时期已发端,到唐朝的时候,有不少僧人从事武术练习,所以“扶唐据贼”的僧人应当是身手矫健的习武之人,而后人对这件事的各种演绎,亦是对少林尚武事实的推崇;参与事件僧人的数量是否为目前所指的十三人还尚待考证;“少林十三僧救唐王”的故事是在明朝万历之后才形成的。演绎过程大致是明朝中后期到清朝初期从“少林十三僧”演变成为“少林十三棍僧”,之后在清初产生“十三棍僧救唐王”的故事,清朝中后期,这个故事被演绎成各种不同的版本。 |
JIA Feng-wei,QU Guo-feng
(School of Physical Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China) Abstract: By means of literature research, the authors examined such a view of some scholars as “the historical fact of Shaolin monks helping the Tang dynasty by catching thieves is irrelative to Wushu”, and drew the following con-clusions: “Shaolin monks helping the Tang dynasty by catching thieves” was only one of many military actions of Shaolin monks; the atmosphere of Wushu practicing of Shaolin monks originated as early as the Beiwei period, and quite a few monks engaged in Wushu practicing at the time of the Tang dynasty, therefore the monks described in “Shaolin monks helping the Tang dynasty by catching thieves” should be skillful Wushu practicers, while various interpretations about this event by later generations were their admirations for the fact that Shaolin monks were good at Wushu; it should be further verified that whether the number of monks participating in this event was the thirteen monks indicated so far; the story of “thirteen Shaolin monks saving the king of Tang” was formed only after the period of the Ming dynasty. The process of evolution was roughly as follows: “Thirteen Shaolin monks” was in-terpreted into “Thirteen Shaolin stick monks” from the mid-late period of the Ming dynasty to the early period of the Qing dynasty, then the story of “thirteen stick monks saving the king of Tang” was formed in the early period of Qing dynasty, and interpreted into different versions in the mid-late period of the Qing dynasty. |