(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215021) 摘 要:通过文献检索、数理统计和逻辑分析对全球187部成文宪法进行检索和分析,发现有41个国家宪法中在公民权利章节写入体育条款,在写入体育条款的74个国家中,占55.4%,超过半数,在全球187个成文宪法国家中占21.9%,以全球192个国家为总量,占21.4%,比例均超过1/5。这说明,全球至少有1/5的国家认为体育应视为一项权利,而在那些宪法已写入体育条款的国家中,超过半数国家认为体育应作为权利对待。并结合这41个文本所属的大洲、年代、国家性质、语种、内容,以及与其他社会领域和社会、文化权利的交叉情况等作比较分析。 |
CHEN Hua-rong,WANG Jia-hong
(School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,China) Abstract: By means of literature retrieval, mathematical statistics and logic analysis, the authors retrieved and ana-lyzed 187 written constitutions worldwide, and found that 41 texts wrote sport clauses in the civil right chapter, taking a percentage of 55.4% (more than half) in 74 countries whose constitutions included sport clauses, a percentage of 21.9 in 187 constitution written countries worldwide, and a percentage of 21.4% (more than 1/5) in total 192 countries worldwide, which indicated that at least 1/5 of countries worldwide considered sport as a right, while more than half of the countries whose constitutions had already included sport clauses thought that sport should be treated as a right. The authors carried out a detailed comparative analysis based on the belonging continents, ages, country nature, languages, contents, other social areas and the intersection of social and cultural rights with respect to these 41 texts. |