(大连大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连 116622) 摘 要:借用一般语言-哲学的理论和方法并从“观念本体论”的维度,以有关体育的开端、本质和意义为主线,分析“体育是其所是”。其目的是力求证明体育“开端之伟大”、“本质之稳定”和“意义之明确”,以及三者之间的“粘连关系”。说“体育是其所是”无非是在强调体育本身存在的特质性问题,希冀在“体育是其所是”这一表述方式中的第2个“是”显明体育所具有的独特功能;正是基于这种有别于相邻人文现象的“特质性”,使得人们能够去寻找为体育的体育开端,认清体育就是针对身体的教育,其本有的功能和意义都是基于“育体”这一根本环节。 |
LIU Zhuo
(School of Physical Education,Dalian University,Dalian 116622,China) Abstract: With the basic theory and method of language-philosophy, within the extent of origination, essence and meaning concerning PE, as well as from the dimension of conceptual ontology, this paper analyses what “Physical Education is that which it is”is meant for. The author is aiming at proofing PE’s “greatness of origination”, “stability of essence” and “exactness of meaning”, among the three, an attching relationship exists. Saying that “Physical Education is that which it is” is no other meaning but emphasizing on the ontological uniqueness of physical education.We hope that the unique function of physical education might be appeared in the latter “is” among “Physical Education is that which it is”, which is certainly helpful for us to find out the real origination of physical education (otherwise, Meno’Paradox can not be avoided). Based on the above-mentioned ,a clear meaning of physical education might be founded out: physical education is nothing but a kind of education to the “physicalness” of human beings. |