(1.上海体育学院 经济管理学院,上海 200438;2.湖北经济学院 体育系,湖北 武汉 430205) 摘 要:通过对政府公共体育服务决策过程中公众参与情况的分析,发现存在着重政府的偏好、轻公众的诉求,重主管部门和专家意见、轻公众参与的问题。为了防止公共体育服务决策过程中的主观性和随意性,提出政府要及时发布公共体育服务决策信息、建立公众表达体育诉求的渠道、邀请公众参与决策方案的选择,以提高公共体育服务决策的科学化水平。 |
CAO Ke-qiang1,LAN Zi-li2
(1.School of Economic and Management,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200234,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Hubei Economic College,Wuhan 430205,China) Abstract: By analyzing public sports service decision making in the process of service type government construc-tion, the authors found sports appeals with government preference and public negligence, and such a problem as valuing opinions of experts and departments in charge but neglecting public participation. In order to prevent sub-jectivity and arbitrariness in the process of public sports service decision making, via their research the authors put forward ways for the public to participate in public sports service decision making, such as the government should, in a timely fashion, publicize public sports service decision making information, establish channels for public ex-pression and sports appealing, invite the public to participate in the selection of decision making plans, so as to en-hance the scientific performance of public sports service decision making. |