(1.安徽农业大学 体育部,安徽 合肥 230036;2.华南理工大学 体育学院,广东 广州 510641) 摘 要:以竞技体育发展的隐性指标为视角,探析体育强国建设路径,指出在国际影响力方面,应充分利用建立邦交关系的发展中国家对外推广我国的成功经验,宣传“中国品牌”、“中国制造”,以点带面、层层渗透,以提高我国的国际影响力和话语权;在竞技体育项目的拓展上,可将奥运弱势项目分散到各省市,利用我国竞技体育体制优势,打造和形成具有各省市地方特色的优势竞技体育项目,提高我国的竞技体育整体水平。 |
YIN Wei-zeng1,WAN Fa-da2,ZHANG De-li1
(1.School of Physical Education,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China;2.School of Physical Education,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China) Abstract: From the perspective of implicit indexes in the development of competitive sports, the authors analyzed ways for building a sport powerful country, and put forward the following opinions: in terms of international influ-ence, China should, by fully utilizing developing countries which have established a diplomatic relationsip with China, externally popularize its successful experiences, promote “Brand of China” and “Made in China” in a bit by bit and layer by layer permeation way, so as to boost the international influence and discourse power of China; in terms of expansion of competitive sports events, China can distribute disadvantageous Olympic events to cities and provinces, and by utilizing the advantages of the competitive sport system in China, build and form advantageous competitive sports events with local features of cities and provinces, and enhance the overall performance of com-petitive sports in China. |