(辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连 116029) 摘 要:在新兴自媒体传播环境中,体育微博以体育明星、体育媒体人士、体育媒介机构、体育爱好者群体为主体构成其相对独立的传播空间,有着实时性的传播机制、碎片化的传播形态、蔓延式的传播模式以及跟随性的传播特质等特性。这一新型传播模式在体育领域兴起与发展的内在价值在于:构造了以大众为传播主体的体育媒介环境、拓宽了媒介环境中体育元素的社会影响力并为以微博营销为核心的体育营销新模式构建了潜在的发展空间。 |
YU Wen-qian,YANG Yun
(School of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China) Abstract: In the emerging ego-media communication environment, by basing their subjects on sports stars, sports media professionals, sports medium organizations and sports fans, sports micro-blogs form their relatively inde-pendent communication spaces, having such characteristics as real time communication mechanism, fragmental communication form, spreading communication mode and following communication trait. The intrinsic values of the emerging and developing of such a new communication mode in the sports area are as follows: it has built a sport medium environment which bases its communication subject on the public; it has expanded the social influ-ence of sports elements in the medium environment, and established a potential development space for a new sports marketing mode which bases its core on micro-blog marketing. |