(1.早稻田大学 体育科学学院,东京 359-1192;2.清华大学 体育部,北京 100084) 摘 要:论述了埃利亚斯视野下竞技体育中的情感。从竞技体育中情感的心理起源和社会起源入手,在埃利亚斯视野下,对竞技体育中的情感以铰链、模仿、暴力和规则4个关键词予以解读。个体到群体性的情感表现在情感唤起、情感释放、情感失控以及情感控制4个方面。在这一过程中,反映了文明的进程的需求。埃利亚斯开创了竞技体育领域里的情感研究,引发了诸多研究者的关注,这是其对体育社会学的贡献。 |
GUO Zhen1,2,TOMOZOE Hidenori1,LIU Bo2
(1.School of Sport Science,Waseda University,Tokyo 3591192,Japan;2.Department of Physical Education,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: The authors expatiated on emotion in competitive sports from the perspective of Elias. Starting with the mental and social origins of emotion in competitive sports, from the perspective of Elias, the authors interpreted emotion in competitive sports in terms of such 4 key words as hinge, imitation, violence and rule. From individuals to collectives, emotion shows in emotion arousal, emotion release, emotion going out of control and emotion con-trol. In this process, the need for progress in civilization is reflected. Elias started the study of emotion in the com-petitive sport area, which have caught the attention of many researchers, and which is his contribution to sports so-ciology. |