(1.厦门大学 体育教学部,福建 厦门 361005;2.上海体育学院 人文学院,上海 200438;3.嘉应学院 体育学院,广东 梅州 514015) 摘 要:对3种不同规模体育赛事志愿服务组织、管理、激励和保障等因素进行实地研究,归纳出我国体育赛事志愿服务3种类型,并对3种类型特征、导向和保障进行分析。认为体育赛事志愿服务类型是对不同规模体育赛事志愿服务工作方式的一种理想抽象,在实践中应根据实际需要选择合适的赛事服务类型——减少“政府主导型”,鼓励“共管型”,发展“社会主导型”。 |
HUANG Sang-bo1,LI Jian-guo2,LU Zhi-cheng3
(1.Department of Physical Education,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China;2. Department of Sports Sociology,Shanghai Sport University,Shanghai 200438,China;3.School of Physical Education,Jianying University,Meizhou 514015,China) Abstract: The authors did a field study in such factors as the organization, management, stimulation and assurance of volunteer services for 3 different scales of sports games, sorted volunteer services for sports games in China into 3 types, analyzed the characteristics, orientations and assurance of these 3 types of volunteer services, and pointed out that the types of volunteer services for sports games are the ideal extraction of working modes of volunteer ser-vices for different scale scales of sports games, and that in practice suitable types of game services should be se-lected according to actual needs – “government guided” services should be reduced, “jointly managed” services should be encouraged, “society guided” services should be developed. |