(南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京 210046) 摘 要:在符号学、传播学等经典理论观照下,就电视媒介对体育意义的生产进行了研究。在娱乐与审美的仪式消费意义上,电视化体育的狂欢仪式正在悄然替代人们对体育的亲身实践,成为当代人的一种生活方式,平面化的运动员健康身体形象及其仪式化表演消除着时间与思想的深度范式的同时,再生产了关于体育的消费文化的剩余价值。 |
WANG Qing-jun
(School of Physical Education and Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China) Abstract: From the perspectives of classic theories such as semeiology and communication science, the author studied sports meaning production by TV media. In terms of the ritual and consumption meanings of entertainment and aesthetics, the carnival rituals of televised sports are quietly replacing people’s personal practice and independ-ent meditation of sports, becoming a lifestyle of contemporaries, reproducing the surplus value of sports consump-tion culture while the planarized health and body images of athletes and their ritualized performances are eliminat-ing the depth norms of time and thoughts. |