(重庆大学 法学院博士后流动站,重庆 400030) 摘 要:组庭制度是国际体育仲裁制度的核心环节,当其在独立性、保密性及快捷性方面出现问题时,就成为3大首要的组庭瑕疵。鉴于仲裁庭品质与仲裁质量息息相关,包括ICAS仲裁法典及奥运会仲裁规则在内的各种仲裁体制皆着力设置组庭瑕疵的救济制度。救济制度包括救济主体、补救措施、补救效果3方面,据此建构出当事人、仲裁庭、仲裁机构、司法机关单独或交互采取回避、撤换、替代、重组等综合措施的救济途径。对仲裁庭业已完成的仲裁行为,因其瑕疵之类型而在程序、实体两方面有被全部或部分追溯无效的效果,且仲裁员将区分过错类型而承担相应的责任。 |
——An interpretation based on CAS arbitration codes and rules
HUANG Hui (Post-doctor Section of Law School,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400030,China) Abstract: The arbitral tribunal formation system is a critical part of the international sports arbitration system; problems it has in terms of independency, confidentiality and quickness are 3 major defects in arbitral tribunal for-mation. Whereas the quality of an arbitral tribunal is closely related to the quality of arbitration, various arbitration systems, which include CAS arbitration codes and Olympic arbitration rules, are all striving to set up a arbitral tri-bunal formation defect remedy system. The remedy system includes such 3 aspects as remedy subject, remedy measure and remedy effect; based on such a system, ways of remedying in which the party concerned, arbitral tri-bunal, arbitral organization and juridical authority take comprehensive measures such as evading, recusing, replac-ing and regrouping solely or interactively. Arbitration acts done by an arbitral tribunal have the effect of being traced as invalid totally or partially in terms of procedure and entity based on the types of its defects, and the arbitrators will undertake corresponding responsibilities based on the types of mistakes they make. |