(黑龙江大学 体育教研部,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080) 摘 要:通过对体育与健康课程标准的研究,提出实施体育与健康课程标准应把握研读课标抓变化、教学设计体现新、教学目标易评价、技能掌握是根本、学法指导善观察、分层分类综合评等策略。 |
LIU Gang
(Department of Physical Education,Heilongjiang University,Haerbing 1500800,China) Abstract: By studying the physical education and health curriculum standard, the author put forward the following strategies: for physical education and health curriculum standard implementation, we should grasp and study the cur-riculum standard, find out its changes, make teaching designs novel and teaching objectives easy to evaluate, focus on skill mastering, provide learning method guidance, and carry out level and category classified compression evaluation. |