(1.广东工业大学 体育部,广东 广州 510090;2.广东教育学会体育卫生专业委员会,广东 广州 510035;3.广州体育学院,广东 广州 510500) 摘 要:依据2010、2005和2000年3次全国学生体质调查中广东省学生的统计结果,对广东省城乡学生体能素质的变化进行比较分析,结果表明:广东省学生体能素质下降趋势放缓,与乡村学生相比,城市学生的体能素质下降趋势得到了一定的控制。导致学生体能素质下降的原因主要有:“健康第一”指导思想未落到实处、家庭健康教育存在误区、体育锻炼过程中缺乏必要的专业指导、学生意志力薄弱。建议加强学校的保障措施,为开展学生体育活动和健康活动提供有力的保障;提高家庭健康教育和指导的专业化水平,让学生养成健康生活习惯;适当增加和提高体育锻炼的专业指导,提高学生体育锻炼的健身效果;建立健全学校的健康管理,以规范化、科学化、系统化的管理来促进和保证学生体质的增强。 |
HONG Hui1,YE Mei-ling2,LI Bin3
(1.Department of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510090,China;2.Guangdong Education to Learn the Sports Health Professional Committee,Guangzhou 510035,China;3.Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: Based on the statistic results of students in Guangdong province in 3 national student constitution surveys carried out in 2010, 2005 and 2000, the authors did a comparative analysis of the changing of physical capacities of students in cities and towns across Guangdong province, and revealed the following findings: the trend of declina-tion of physical capacities of students in Guangdong province was slowing down, and the trend of declination of physical capacities of urban students was controlled to a certain extent as compared with that of rural students; causes for the declination of physical capacities of students mainly include the followings: the guiding ideology of “Health First” was not actually implemented; there were misunderstandings about home health education; there was a lack of necessary professional guidance in the process of physical exercising; students’ willpower was weak. The authors proposed to reinforce assurance measures taken by schools, to provide powerful assurance for developing student physical exercising activities and health activities, to increase the level of professionalization of home health education and guidance, to let students develop a healthy lifestyle, to appropriately increase and enhance profes-sional guidance on physical exercising, to enhance the fitness effect of physical exercises done by students, to estab-lish complete health management by schools, and to boost and ensure the enhancement of constitution of students by means of standardized, scientific and systemized management. |