(山西财经大学 体育学院,山西 太原 030006) 摘 要:采用影响评价的分析工具,以山西、河南、江西、辽宁4省为例,从经济、教育、公平公正性3个维度,对我国高校体育教育专业招生中实施的4种术科测试模式的社会影响及实施效果进行分析与评价。结果表明:“身体素质”模式下的术科测试工作效率较高,但是不利于高校体育教育专业新生的选拔与培养,不利于体育特长生的升学,没有对高中体育课及课余体育训练产生好的导向与激励作用;“身体素质+非专项基本技能+专项”模式存在术科测试效率较低、测试过程公平公正性欠佳等缺点,但是有利于高校体育教育专业新生的选拔与培养,有利于体育特长生的升学,对高中体育课及课余体育训练起到了好的导向与激励作用;“身体素质+专项”和“身体素质+综合运动技能”模式的社会影响及实施效果间于上述两种模式之间。比较而言,“身体素质+非专项基本技能+专项”较优,“身体素质+专项”和“身体素质+综合运动技能”模式其次。 |
WANG Shu–hong
(School of Physical Education,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics,Taiyuan 030006,China) Abstract: By using analytical tools for influence evaluation, taking Shanxi, Henan, Jiangxi and Liaoning provinces for example, in such 3 dimensions as economy, education and fairness, the author analyzed and evaluated the social influence and implementary effect of 4 specialty test modes implemented for recruiting students of college physical education major in China, and revealed the following findings: specialty test under the mode of “physical makings” was provided with a high working efficiency, but not conducive to the selection and cultivation of new students of college physical education major and the further education of students with sports talent, failing to play a good role in guiding and stimulating high school physical education classes and extracurricular sports training; the mode of “physical makings + non specialized event specific basic skills + specialized event” was provided with shortcom-ings such as low specialty test efficiency and low degree of test process fairness, but conducive to the selection and cultivation of new students of physical education major and the further education of students with sports talent, and playing a good role in guiding and stimulating school physical education classes and extracurricular sports training; the social influence and implementary effect of the modes of “physical makings + specialized event” and “physical makings + comprehensive sports skills” is between those of the two modes described above. Comparatively, the mode of “physical makings + non specialized event specific basic skills + specialized event” is better than the modes of “physical makings + specialized event” and “physical makings + comprehensive sports skills”. |