(1.扬州大学 体育学院,江苏 扬州 225009;2.华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241) 摘 要:为了对大学体育课程内容标准体系中具体指标条目进行甄别和筛选。采用德尔菲法对备选的48条具体指标条目进行4轮专家意见征询,有45名高等学校体育教学指导委员会委员,35名大学公体部主任参与专家征询。经2轮预调查和2轮正式征询的专家积极性系数分别为100%、100%、88.75%和77.50%;专家的权威程度达到可接受值(≥0.70)比例为86.7%、100%、87.3%和88.7%;专家意见一致性系数(Kendall’s W,肯德尔和谐指数)分别为0.311、0.628、0.320和0.531;运动参与、运动技能、身体健康、心理健康和社会适应5领域1级指标类的权重分别为12.5%、29.9%、24.7%、22.5%和10.4%。经过2轮的正式征询,最后筛选出5个领域共30个具体指标条目。 |
GUO Tai-wei1,2,PAN Shao-wei1,JI Liu2
(1.School of Physical Education,Yangzhou University,Jiangsu 225009,China;2.School of Physical Education and Healthy,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China) Abstract: In order to identify and screen specific indexes in the college physical education curriculum content standard system, the authors used the Delphi method to carry out 4 rounds of expert opinion consultation on 48 op-tional specific indexes. 45 members of college physical education teaching guidance committees and 35 directors of college public sports departments participated in expert opinion consultation. After 2 rounds of preliminary investi-gation and 2 rounds of official consultation, the expert enthusiasm coefficients were 100%, 100%, 88.75% and 77.50% respectively; the percentages of acceptability (≥0.70) of expert authority were 86.7%, 100%, 87.3% and 88.7%; the expert opinion consistency coefficients (Kendall’s W harmony index) were 0.311, 0.628, 0.320 and 0.531 respectively; the weights for level 1 indexes in such 5 areas as sports participation, sports skills, physical health, mental health and social adaptation were 12.5%, 29.9%, 24.7%, 22.5% and 10.4% respectively. After 2 rounds of official consultation, totally 30 specific indexes in 5 areas were screened out. |