(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:通过文献资料与实地调查对目前关于“唐豪先生生平行谊的一些年日的记述错误”进行考证,得出以下结论:唐豪先生生于1896年;唐豪先生于1929年初东渡日本,并与同年底回国;1930年1月24日,唐豪先生就任中央国术馆编审处处长,1931年5月辞职;1941年秋,唐豪先生迁居安徽,先寄居于歙县烟村,1942年迁居屯溪,1949年6月初回到上海;唐豪先生墓碑碑文有7处明显错误。 |
(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: By means of literature data and field investigation, the author examined “some date recording errors made in the life story about TANG Hao” by some existing researches, and drew the following conclusions: Mr. TANG Hao was born in 1896, went to Japan at the beginning of 1929, and came back to China at the end of that year; On January 24, 1930, Mr. TANG Hao was appointed the director of the editing office of Central National Mar-tial Art Academy, quitted the job in May 1931; in the fall of 1941, Mr. TANG Hao moved to Anhui, temporarily lived at Yan village in She county at first, then moved to Tunxi in 1942, went back to Shanghai at the beginning of June 1949; there were 7 obvious errors in the inscription on the tombstone of Mr. TANG Hao. |