(1.兰州城市学院 体育学院,甘肃 兰州 730070;2.北京体育大学 科研中心,北京 100084;3.深圳大学 体育学院,广东 深圳 518060;4.天津体育学院 运动人体科学系,天津 300381) 摘 要:为了研究肉碱棕榈酰转移酶(CPT-1β)基因区的rs 131758、rs 470117多态位点以及由其组成的单体型与有氧耐力训练前后敏感性指标的变化之间的关联性,探讨其作为有氧耐力训练敏感性标记的可行性,对102名中国北方汉族青年进行为期18周的有氧耐力训练。采用活动跑台的逐级递增运动负荷方法测定训练前后“跑节省化”(RE)相关指标;采用卧式蹬车的极限下递增定量负荷运动方式测定训练前后不同负荷状态下(安静时、50 W、100 W、150 W、恢复期)的心脏结构指标;由心脏结构指标获得心脏功能相关指标。采用MALDI-TOF MS方法解析受试者基因组DNA rs 131758、rs 470117多态位点基因型。分析训练前后相关指标的变化与多态位点不同基因型之间的关联性。结果发现:1)rs 131758位点的AA型与训练后跑节省化时心率(ΔHRRE)的训练敏感性相关联;2)rs131758位点的AA型与训练后心脏收缩末期左室后壁厚度ΔPWS指标的训练敏感性相关联;3)由rs 131758-rs 470117位点组成的单体型AT与训练后安静时每搏输出量指数(ΔSVI)、心动周期(ΔT)、心输出量指数(ΔCOI)的训练敏感性相关联。说明:rs 131758位点的AA型和由rs131758-rs470117位点组成的AT单体型可以作为中国北方汉族人群对有氧耐力训练敏感的分子标记。 |
XIA Xiao-hui1,HU Yang2,XI Yi3,WEN Li4
(1.School of Physical Education,Lanzhou City University,Lanzhou 730070,China;2.Sport Science Research Center,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China;3.School of Physical Education,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China;4.Department of Health & Exercise Science,Tianjin University of Sport,Tianjin 300381,China) Abstract: In order to study the correlations between polymorphic loci rs 131758 and rs 470117 in the carnitine palmityl transferase-1β (CPT-1β) gene region, as well as the haplotype they form, and the changes of sensitivity in-dexes before and after aerobic endurance training, and to probed into the feasibility to use them as sensitivity mark-ers for aerobic endurance training, the authors carried out 18-week aerobic endurance training on 102 youngsters of the Han nationality in northern China, measured “running economization” (RE) related indexes before and after training by using the method of gradually increasing treadmill exercise load, and cardiac structural indexes under different load conditions (at calm, 50W, 100W, 150W, in the recovery period) before and after training by adopting the way of exercising with gradually increased quantitative load under the limit of layback style riding, acquired cardiac function related indexes from cardiac structural indexes, dissected the genotypes of polymorphic loci rs 131758 and rs 470117 of genome DNA of the testees by using the MALDI-TOF MS method, analyzed the correla-tions between the changes of relevant indexes before and after training and the different genotypes of polymorphic loci, and revealed the following findings: 1)type AA of locus rs 131758 was correlative to the training sensitivity of heart rate (ΔHRRE) at running economization after training; 2)type AA of locus rs131758 was correlative to the training sensitivity of left ventricular rear wall thickness (ΔPWS) at the end of systole after training; 3)haplotype AT formed by loci rs 131758 and rs 470117 was correlative to the training sensitivity of stroke output volume index (ΔSVI), cardiac cycle (ΔT) and cardiac output index (ΔCOI) at calm after training. The said findings indicate that type AA of locus rs 131758 and haplotype AT formed by loci rs 131758 and rs 470117 can be used as molecular markers for aerobic endurance training for people of the Nan nationality in northern China. |