(1.军事体育进修学院,广东 广州 510500;2.第二军医大学,上海 200438; 3.西安通信学院,陕西 西安 710706) 摘 要:通过对湿热环境下机体血液成分变化特点的实验,试图揭示湿热环境下运动的身体适应,为训练提供相应的理论依据。随机抽取某大学男生30名,平均年龄(21.3±1.1)岁。实验选择第二军医大学湿热环境训练实验室,环境温度控制在39 ℃,相对湿度为80%。实验历时9 d,分为测试阶段和训练阶段:测试阶段在训练前、后1 d分别进行12 min功率自行车测试,2次测试前、后经上肢静脉取血(在肛温指标测试后即刻进行);训练阶段周期为7 d,运动负荷为:踏步机徒手踏步15 min,艾威BC4730-52型功率自行车无阻力运动15 min,艾威BC8500型功率自行车调至10LEVEL-280WATT/H运动15 min。结果显示:与第1次、第2次测试前相比,2次测试后血清尿素(BU)、乳酸(La)、[K+]和[Ca2+]均显著升高(P<0.05),[Cl-]显著下降(P<0.05);[Na+]在第2次测试后显著升高(P<0.05)。经过7 d热习服训练,第2次测试前较第1次测试前相比,BU和[Na+]显著升高(P<0.05),La浓度显著下降(P<0.05);第2次测试后同第1次测试后相比,BU、[Na+]、[K+]和[Ca2+]显著升高(P<0.05)。结果表明:经过7 d间断性反复热暴露运动后,机体蛋白质代谢供能有所回降;La清除能力得到提高;血液电解质各项指标发生不同程度变化,但均处于正常生理范围及人体耐受范围内;且运动能力及自我感受得到改善,说明习服训练有利于机体新的热反应动力定型建立。 |
WU Xiao-nan1,3,LIN Jian-di1,QU Ping1,BAO Ying-chun2,MENG Su-ping1
(1.Physical Education of PLA,Guangzhou 510500,China;2.Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200438,China;3.Xi’an Communication Institute of PLA,Xi’an 710706,China) Abstract: The authors tried to reveal the adaptation of the body exercising in a hot and humid environment through an experiment studying the characteristics of changing of blood constituents of the body in a hot and humid envi-ronment, so as to provide corresponding theoretical criteria for training. The authors selected 30 males students with an average age of (21.3±1.1) randomly from a university. The experiment was done in the hot and humid environ-ment training laboratory of Second Military Medical University, where the ambient temperature was controlled to 39 ℃, the relative humidity was 80%. The experiment lasted 9 d, which were divided into a testing stage and a training stage; at the testing stage, a 12 min speed bike test was run 1 d before and after training respectively; before and after the two tests, venous blood was taken from upper limbs (immediately after rectal temperature index was tested); the cycle of the training stage is 7 d, the exercising loads were 15 min of hand free walking on a treadmill, 15 min of resistance free exercising on a model BC4730-52 EVERE speed bike, 15 min of exercising on a model BC8500 EVERE speed bike which was adjusted to 10LEVEL-280WATT/H. The results showed the followings: as compared with the results before the first and second tests, blood urea (BU), lactic acid (La), [K+] and [Ca2+] after the two tests increased significantly (P<0.05), [Cl-] decreased significantly (P<0.05); [Na+] increased significantly (P<0.05) after the second test; after 7 days of heat acclimatization training, as compared with the results before the first test, BU and [Na+] before the second test increased significantly (P<0.05), La concentration decreased signifi-cantly (P<0.05); as compared with the results after the first test, BU, [Na+], [K+] and [Ca2+] after the second test in-creased significantly (P<0.05). The results indicated the followings: after 7 d of intermittent, repeated heat exposure exercising, the body’s protein metabolism and energy supply decreased somewhat; La removing ability was en-hanced; various indexes in blood electrolyte changed to different extents, but they were all in range of normal physiology and the range tolerable to the human body; and the exercising ability and self perception were improved, which indicates that heat acclimatization training is conducive for the body to establish a new dynamic stereotype of thermal reaction. |