(韶关学院 体育学院,广东 韶关 512005) 摘 要:广东武术和少林武术具有深刻的历史渊源。广东武术的诸多拳种,在吸收少林武术的某些特征以后,进而发展成南拳精品;广东诸多武林豪杰,大多和南北少林寺有不同程度的师承关系;广东诸多武术组织,大多以少林武术精神标榜。更由于少林寺禅宗和广东的南禅宗具有一脉传承关系,佛家拳在广东佛教发达地区也比较流行。总的来看,广东武术和少林武术具有诸多共同点,把广东武术称之为南少林武术也有一定道理。 |
LI Lei,ZHAO Wen-long
(School of Physical Education,Shaoguan University,Shaoguan 512005,China) Abstract: Guangdong Wushu and Shaolin Wushu have a profound historical origin. Many martial arts in Guang-dong Wushu were developed into fine southern Chinese martial arts after some characteristics of Shaolin Wushu had been absorbed; most of many martial artists in Guangdong are able to have a different degree of apprentice learning relationship with southern and northern Shaolin temples; most of many Wushu organizations in Guangdong boast Shaolin Wushu spirits. Moreover, since Zen Buddhism at Shaolin temples and southern Zen Buddhism in Guang-dong have a bloodline identical inheritance relationship, Buddhist boxing is as well popular in Buddhism developed regions in Guangdong. In general, Guangdong Wushu and Shaolin Wushu have many things in common, so it makes some sense to call Guangdong Wushu as southern Shaolin Wushu. |