(盐城师范学院 体育学院,江苏 盐城 224002) 摘 要:社会主义新农村建设给我国农村体育发展带来了机遇与挑战,唯有找准新农村建设过程中农村体育的努力方向和使命,才能勾画出合理的发展思路。研究认为当前有关农村现实概况性的认识不是新农村的目标状态,而是新农村体育发展起步阶段的现实状况,社会主义新农村建设创设了体育回归农民生活方式的机会,彰显了体育的地位与价值;社会主义新农村体育可以分为本然使命与应然使命,前者指向农民本体和农村社会良性发展,后者则带有社会规定和社会期望意蕴,它们又统一于社会主义新农村体育建设实践中,显现为社会理性选择的结果。 |
MA Yong-ming
(School of Physical Education,Yancheng Teachers University,Yancheng 224002,China) Abstract: The construction of new socialist countrysides has brought opportunities and challenges to the development of rural sport in China. Only by correctly understanding the working direction and missions of rural sport during the construction of new countrysides can rational ideas for development can be figured out. In this study, the author put forward the following opinions: the realistic overview of countrysides is not the objective state of new countrysides, but the realistic conditions of the initial stage of development of new rural sports; the construction of new socialist country-sides has provided an opportunity for sport to return to the life styles of peasants, and highlighted the status and value of sport; from the perspective of the value orientation of sport; sport in new socialist countrysides can be divided into natural mission and obligated mission, the former refers to the benign development of peasants themselves and the rural society, while the latter contains social stipulations and expectations, and they unify in the practice of construction of new socialist countrysides, showing as the result of rational choice of the society. |