(延边大学 体育学院,吉林 延吉 133002) 摘 要:采用“休闲动机”、“畅”、“休闲满意度”、“主观幸福感”调查问卷,运用项目分析、因子分析、相关关系分析和构建结构方程模型的方法,对中国图们江区域休闲体育参加者的休闲动机、“畅”、休闲满意度、主观幸福感进行相关关系分析、回归路径分析、验证结构模型验证。首先,通过对各变量之间的因子分析,对未能满足要求的题项进行删除,最终构成其基本框架;其次,休闲动机除情感之间的一些变量并不存在显著的正相关关系外,与“畅”、休闲满意度、生活满意度均存在着显著的正相关关系。“畅”与休闲满意度和生活满意度、生活满意度与休闲满意度各因子之间也存在正相关关系。再次,休闲动机与“畅”、休闲满意度、主观幸福感均具有显著的相互预测作用;“畅”与休闲满意度、主观幸福感也存在显著的相互预测作用;休闲满意度中环境、社会、心理等满意度均与主观幸福感存在显著的相互预测作用,但其余指标均没有直接预测作用。最后,有效验证了中国图们江区域休闲体育参加者的休闲动机与主观幸福感的关系。经过多次模型修正,得到休闲体育参加者的休闲动机与主观幸福感的关系最终模型。 |
JIN Qing-yun
(School of Physical Education,Yanbian University,Yanji 133002,China) Abstract: By using a survey questionnaire containing such items as “Leisure Motive”, “flow”, “Degree of Leisure Satisfaction” and “subjective Sense of Happiness”, and by applying such methods as item analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and building a structural equation model, the author performed a correlation analysis and a re-gression path analysis on and verified the structural model for the leisure motives, flow, degree of leisure satisfac-tion and subjective sense of happiness of leisure sport participants in the Tumenjiang region in China. Firstly, by performing a factor analysis on various variables, the author deleted items which failed to meet requirements, and ultimately built the basic framework; secondly, the author concluded that there is a significant correlation between leisure motive (except some emotional variables) and flow, degree of leisure satisfaction, degree of life satisfaction, and that there is also a correlation between flow and degree of leisure satisfaction, degree of lift satisfaction, be-tween degree of life satisfaction and factors in degree of leisure satisfaction; next, the author concluded the follow-ings: there is a significant function of mutual prediction between leisure motive and flow, degree of leisure satisfac-tion, subjective sense of happiness; there is also a significant function of mutual prediction between flow and degree of leisure satisfaction, subjective sense of happiness; there is a significant function of mutual predication between degrees of environmental, social and physiological satisfaction in degree of leisure satisfaction and subjective sense of happiness, but other indexes have no function of direct predication; lastly, the author effectively verified the rela-tions between the leisure motives and subjective sense of happiness of sports participants in the Tumenjiang region in China. After having revised the model several times, the author derived the final model for the relations between the leisure motives and subjective sense of happiness of leisure sport participants. |