(洛阳师范学院 体育学院,河南 洛阳 471022) 摘 要:对当前体育旅游认识上存在的诸多现象及其原因进行分析。我国对体育旅游的定位过“杂”,对体育旅游的分类过“乱”,对体育旅游项目的归属过“泛”现象较为突出。产生以上现象的主要原因是认识上的感性化明显及缺乏探究精神。 |
ZHAO Zhi-rong
(School of Physical Education,Luoyang Normal University,Luoyang 471022,China) Abstract: The author analyzed a number of phenomena existing currently in the understanding of sports tourism, and revealed the following findings: in China, the orientation of sports tourism is too “diversified”; the classification of sport tourism is too “disordered”; the attribution of sports tourism events is too “inundated”. Main causes for the occurrence of the said phenomena are obviously sentimental understanding and lacking in the spirit of exploration. |