(哈尔滨理工大学 体育教学部,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080) 摘 要:简述了二战后美国政府筹备和组建派往日本的教育使节团的背景。作为美国教育使节团成员之一的麦克乐参与了美国教育使节团报告书的起草工作。报告书作为战后日本教育的原点和总的指导方针,对日本教育基本法以及学校教育法的制订产生了极大的影响,战后的日本教育在此基础上进行了全面的改革。麦克乐的思想对二战后日本学校体育和保健教育方针的确立产生的影响是重大的。 |
WANG Cheng
(Department of Physical Education,Harbin University of Science and Technology,Harbin 150080,China) Abstract:. The author concisely described the background for the US government to send an education envoy crew to Japan after World War II. As one of the members of the US education envoy crew, McCloy participated in the drafting of the US Education Envoy Crew Report. As the origin of and general guideline for education in Japan after World War II, the report produced tremendous influence on the establishment of the basic law of education and the law of school education of Japan; on such a basis, a comprehensive reform was carried out on education in Japan after World War II. The influence produced by McCloy’s ideology on the establishment of school physical education and fitness education guidelines of Japan after World War II was significant. |