(西华师范大学 体育学院,四川 南充 637009) 摘 要:首先讨论了基于对数变换的GM(1,1)模型,并结合C语言程序实现了该模型的程序化。然后以奥运会男子100 m跑为例,从专项训练学角度出发,结合自行编写的C语言程序进行数据处理、分析、验证,并预测了2012年第30届奥运会的男子100 m跑成绩在9.63~9.71 s。 |
ZHANG Zheng-min
(School of Physical Education,China West Normal University,Nanchong 637009,China) Abstract: Firstly, the author discussed the GM(1, 1) model based on logarithmic transformation, and realized the programming of this model by using C language. Then, by taking the men’s 100m run in the Olympic Games for example, from the perspective of the science of event specific training, the author carried out data processing, analysis and verification based on the program he compiled in C language, and predicted that the result of the men’s 100 m run in the 30th Olympic Games in 2012 would be somewhere between 9.63 s and 9.71 s. |