(1.东北师范大学 体育学院,吉林 长春 130024;2.首都体育学院 运动系,北京 100191) 摘 要:以耗散结构理论为视角,结合运动训练在时间、结构、系统和规律方面的相关特点,讨论了运动训练的不可逆性、非对称性、非平衡性、有序性、稳定性、开放性和客观性等特征。结合运动训练的这些特征,提出建议:第一、要准确把握运动训练的特征,理顺运动训练各元素的相互关系,使运动训练的本体朝健康、有序的良性状态发展。第二、要结合运动训练的特征,积极建构适合运动训练的新理论、新方法,使运动训练的理论在实践中不断地丰富和发展。第三、要依据运动训练的特征,充分了解运动个体的特点,制定出切实可行的运动计划,合理安排运动负荷,最大限度地为个体最佳成绩的取得创造条件。 |
WANG Xiang-hong1,CAO Miao-sun2
(1.School of Physical Education,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China;2.Department of Sports,Capital University of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing 100191,China) Abstract: From the perspective of dissipative structure theory, coupled with related characteristics of sports training in terms of time, structure, system and pattern, the authors discussed such characteristics of sports training as irreversible, asymmetrical, non equilibrium, orderly, stable, open and objective. Based on these characteristics of sports training, the authors put forward the following suggestion: 1) we should accurately grasp the characteristics of sports training, straighten out the correlations between various elements in sports training, so that sports training itself develops toward a healthy, orderly benign condition; 2) we should, based on the characteristics of sports training, actively establish new theories and methods suitable for sports training, so that the theoretical foundation of sports training can be constantly expanded and developed in practice; 3) we should, based on the characteristics of sports training, fully understand the characteristics of sports individuals, work out practically feasible sports plans, rationally arrange sports loads, and cre-ate conditions for individuals to achieve their best performance to the maximum extent. |