(江西师范大学 体育学院,江西 南昌 330099) 摘 要:总结30年来我国学者探索体育本质的学术研究,分析目前体育相关概念仍不清晰的原因和“体育”作为上位概念带来的困惑。通过对美国类似概念的分析指出美国缺乏与体育对应的上位概念,提倡概念本土化只会增加逻辑混乱。寻找一个虚无的上位概念是我国体育本质研究的症结。 |
ZHANG Jun-xian
(School of Physical Education,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330099,China) Abstract: The author analyzed the confusions brought by “sport and physical education” as a top level concept, and by analyzing similar concepts used in the United States, the author pointed out that in the United States there is not a top level concept corresponding to sport and physical education, thus considering that localizing such a concept would make it more confusing logically. Seeking for a void top level concept is a wrong way to the study of the na-ture of sport and physical education in China. |