(江西科技师范学院 军体部,江西 南昌 330038) 摘 要:裁判员“执法”是裁判员依据规则规定和规则精神,在体育竞赛中实施体育竞赛规则的行为和活动。裁判员在这一行为和过程中形成的社会关系和社会角色重要而独特。关于裁判员的“执法”地位有公职说、委托说、雇佣说等观点,研究较为赞同委托说。裁判员若接受贿赂、参与赌博,在“执法”时故意歪曲规则或违背规则操纵比赛,侵犯各方利益的应追究其法律责任。 |
FU Chao-qi
(Department of Physical Education,Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University,Nanchang 330038,China) Abstract: The “law enforcement” of referees refers to the behavior and activity of referees implementing sport competition rules in sport competitions in accordance with the stipulation and spirit of the rules. The social relation and role formed by referees in such a behavior and process are important and unique. About the “law enforcement” status of referees, there are such views as official duty view, commission view and employment view, and the author tends to agree with the commission view. If a referee accepts a bribe, participates in gambling, or manipulates a competition by intentionally twisting or violating the rules during “law enforcement”, thus damaging the interests of various parties, he/she should be held legally responsible. |