(安徽师范大学 体育学院,安徽 芜湖 241003) 摘 要:运用多组验证性因素分析,考察跨理论模型(TTM)3个心理问卷在大学生群体测量的有效性、可靠性和普适性。对1 149名大学生进行了TTM问卷的测量,分析了性别组间自我效能、决策平衡和修订后变化过程问卷的因素效度和测量等值性。结果显示,3个问卷都具有相当程度的结构效度和建构信度。自我效能具有完全的因素负荷和因素方差等值;决策平衡问卷具有完全的因素负荷和因素方差-协方差等值及部分测量误差等值;修订的变化过程问卷具有完全的因素负荷等值,部分因素方差-协方差和部分测量误差等值。研究表明,TTM问卷具有性别组间测量的有效性和适用性。未来研究应检验问卷的跨时间、跨年龄的普适性。 |
(School of Physical Education,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241003,China) Abstract: By analyzing multiple groups of verifying factors, the author examined the validity, reliability and uni-versal applicability of three psychological questionnaires of trans-theoretical model (TTM) in college student meas-urement. The author conducted TTM questionnaire measurement on 1,149 college students, analyzed the self effi-cacy and decision making balance between gender groups as well as the factor validity and measurement equiva-lence of revised changing process questionnaires, and revealed the following findings: the three questionnaires are provided with a fairly high degree of structural validity and building reliability. Self efficacy is provided with com-plete factor load and factor variance equivalence; decision making balance questionnaires are provided with com-plete factor load and factor variance-covariance equivalence, and partial measurement error equivalence; revised changing process questionnaires are provided with complete factor load equivalence, partial factor vari-ance-covariance and partial measurement error equivalence. This study shows that TTM questionnaires are provided with the validity and applicability of measurement between gender groups. In future study, the trans-time and trans-age universal applicability of the questionnaires should be verified. |