(1.湖南城市学院 体育系,湖南 益阳 413000 ;2.井冈山大学 体育学院,江西 吉安 343000;3.湖北大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430062) 摘 要:依据《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》的精神,湖北大学在“以人为本”的体育课程观指导下,以“健康第一”、“终身体育”为出发点,在对本校学生特点、场地器材、师资条件、校园文化等深入调研的前提下,从课程指导思想、课程目标、课程内容与学习评价等方面构建与实施了“课内外一体化”体育课程教学模式。经过5年多的试验和探讨,在多元质量观的指导下,采取“以课堂教学为中心,以课外体育锻炼、课余体育训练为拓展和延伸”的形式,以“取消基础课、普及选项课;淡化竞技教学内容,突出终身健身能力;增强学生体质和培养学生终身体育兴趣、习惯和能力”为总体改革目标,优化课程各要素,提高教学效率,注重“应用性、差异性、自主性”、“基本健身知识、基本休闲健身技能、基本终身健身能力”和“终身体育兴趣、终身体育习惯、终身体育能力”的落实,实现了体育课程目标。 |
XIA Gui-xia1,SHU Zong-li1,XIA Zhi2,SHI Yan3
(1.Department of Physical Education,Hunan City University,Yiyang 413000,China;2.School of Physical Education,Jinggangshan University,Ji’an 343000,China;3.School of Physical Education,Hubei University,Wuhan 430062,China) Abstract: According to the contents of the Outline of Teaching Guidance for the Scholastic Physical Education Curriculum in Common Institutes of Higher Learning in China, guided by the “people orientated” physical educa-tion curriculum view, based on such basic conceptions as “health first” and “lifetime sport’, and under the precondi-tion of thoroughly studying the characteristics of its students, playgrounds and equipment, teacher conditions and campus cultures, Hubei University has established and implemented a “curricular and extracurricular learning inte-grated” teaching mode for its physical education curriculum in such areas as curricular guidance ideology, curricular objects, curricular contents and learning evaluation, and fulfilled the “three-independent, three-basic and three-lifetime” objectives. Guided by the multidimensional quality view, Hubei University has, after 5 years of ex-periment and exploration, optimized various key curriculum factors for and enhanced teaching efficiency by adopt-ing the form that “bases its center on class teaching and its expansion and extension on extracurricular physical ex-ercising and training” and by basing the general reform objectives on “canceling basic courses and popularizing op-tional courses; reducing competitive sport teaching contents; highlighting lifetime fitness keeping capacities; en-hancing students’ constitution and cultivating students’ lifetime sports interest, habit and capacities”, and focused on the implementation of “applicability, discrepancy and independency”, “basic fitness keeping knowledge, basic lei-sure fitness keeping skills and basic lifetime fitness keeping capacities”, as well as “lifetime sports interest, lifetime sports habit and lifetime sports capacities”, thus having fulfilled physical education curriculum objectives. |