(辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连 116029) 摘 要:采用问卷调查和数理统计方法探讨了男子足球运动员的乐观、悲观倾向与运动状态自信的关系以及竞赛压力可能的调节作用。结果表明:(1)乐观倾向、悲观倾向既相对独立又显著相关,在男子运动员个体运动状态自信的变异中,乐观倾向具有保护性作用,悲观倾向具有破坏性作用,比较而言,悲观倾向的消极作用比乐观倾向的保护性作用更强。(2)竞赛压力是结果期待倾向与运动状态自信的显著调节因素,主要作用表现为随着压力水平的增高,乐观倾向对状态自信的保护意义具有增强的趋势。 |
(School of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China) Abstract: By means of questionnaire survey and mathematical statistical methods, the author probed into the rela-tions between the optimistic or pessimistic tendency of male football players and their sports condition confidence as well as possible competition pressure adjusting functions, and revealed the following findings: 1) optimistic ten-dency and pessimistic tendency are relatively independent and significantly correlative; in the change of the sports condition confidence of individual male players, optimistic tendency has the protective function, while pessimistic tendency has the destructive function; comparatively, the passive function of pessimistic tendency is more powerful than the protective function of optimistic tendency; 2) competition pressure is a significant factor for adjusting out-come expectation tendency and sports condition confidence; its main function shows in that the protective signifi-cance of optimistic tendency on sports condition confidence tends to increase as the pressure level gets higher. |