(1.南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京 210046;2.楚雄师范学院 体育系,云南 楚雄 675000) 摘 要:竞技体育领域内的科技自由,不是无限制的自由,而是有相应的限度。科技理性对价值理性的僭越促使高科技在竞技体育中研发和应用,也造成体育科技主体的价值断裂,威胁到竞技体育的可持续发展。从哲学的视角审视竞技体育中高科技运用所带来的伦理道德问题,主张在充分倡导科技自由的同时,应赋予积极价值导向,对策为:倡导以人为本的体育科技观;明确体育科技主体的道德责任;建立体育道德评价、监督和奖惩机制;加强体育科技立法和执法。 |
SHEN Ke-yin1,ZHOU Xue-rong1,GE Xiao-jun2
(1.School of Sports Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Chuxiong Normal University,Chuxiong 675000,China) Abstract: Technology freedom in the competitive sports area is not unlimited freedom, but has its corresponding limitations. The transgression of technology rationality over value rationality boosts the development and applica-tion of high technology in competitive sports, also causes the value breakdown of the main body of sports technol-ogy, and threatens the sustainable development of competitive sports. From the perspective of philosophy, the au-thors examined ethical problems brought by the application of high technology in competitive sports, proposed to provide active value guidance while fully advocating technology freedom; specific measures are as follows: advo-cate the people orientated sports technology view; specify the ethical responsibility of the main body of sports tech-nology; establish a sports ethic evaluation, supervision and punishment mechanism; strengthen the legislation and law enforcement for sports technology. |