(1.浙江工业大学 体育军训部,浙江 杭州 310014;2.上海体育学院 武术学院,上海 200438) 摘 要:从马克思关于“需要”的理论入手,指出国家对武术的需要程度决定了武术在社会发展中的地位。历史上的武术之所以在众多民族传统体育项目中一花独秀,是因为其发展受到了国家机器的推动,如古代与军事技术紧密相连,近代与尚武精神直接相关。21世纪武术发展除了竞技武术的出路外,更应该对内顺应“传承民族文化,弘扬民族精神”的时代大潮,将重心转向武术教育,通过彻底改革武术教育体系,将其打造成“培育民族精神”的实践途径;对外立足于增强文化“软实力”,展示“和平崛起的中国形象”的实际需要,力争武术进入孔子学院,成为传播中国文化实践的具体载体。 |
YANG Jian-ying1,QIU Pi-xiang2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China;2.School of Wushu,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: Starting with Marx’s theory about “need”, the authors pointed out that the degree of the nation’s need for Wushu decides the status of Wushu in social development. Historically, the reason for Wushu to stand out of many traditional national sports events is because its development was driven by the state machine; for example, Wushu was closely connected to military technology in the old days, and is directly related to the martial spirit in modern times. In the 21st century, for Wushu development, besides competitive Wushu as a way out, we should, internally, follow the time trend of “inheriting national cultures and promoting national spirits”, shift our focus to Wushu edu-cation, turn Wushu into a way of practice for “cultivating national spirits” by thoroughly reforming the Wushu edu-cation system, and externally, stick to boosting the “soft power” of culture, show the actual needs of the “peaceful and rising image of China”, and strive to get Wushu into the Confucius Institute for it to become a specific carrier that spreads Chinese cultural practice. |