(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006;2.喀什师范学院 体育系,新疆 喀什 844000) 摘 要:综述了非酒精性脂肪肝病(NAFLD)致病机制、有氧运动诸多维持稳态机制与低温生物学综合效应研究概况。科学猜测与述评亚低温与有氧运动联合干预NAFLD的可能生物学机制是亚低温诱导机体生成应激蛋白发挥综合生物效应与有氧运动促机体抗氧化应激、抑制线粒体凋亡、改善内质网应激与胰岛素抵抗,抗炎症作用共同实现NAFLD病理性的可逆改善。 |
QIN Zhi1,LI Cai-jie2,XIAO Guo-qiang1
(1.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Kashi Normal University,Kashi 844000,China) Abstract: The authors gave an overview of researches on the pathogenesis mechanism of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), various mechanisms for aerobic exercises to maintain homeostasis, and low temperature biologi-cal comprehensive effects. The authors scientifically guessed and reviewed a possible biological mechanism for sub low temperature and aerobic exercises to jointly intervene NAFLD: low temperature induces the body to produce stress proteins to exert a comprehensive biological effect, and aerobic exercises promote body anti-oxidation stress, restrains the death of mitochondria, and improves endoplasmic reticulum stress and insulin’s inflammation resisting function, which jointly realize the pathologically reversible improvement of NAFLD. |