(1.嘉应学院 体育学院,广东 梅州 514015;2.武汉体育学院 体育经济管理学院,湖北 武汉 430079;3.嘉应学院 教育科学学院,广东 梅州 514015) 摘 要:体育行政奖励是国家行政奖励的重要组成部分,其实施状况对于实现国家在体育领域的行政管理目标具有重要作用。该奖励体系由奖项、管理、法规和监督4个子系统组成。奖项系统分层次结构和类别结构,法规系统由法律和部门规章构成,管理系统实行部门分兵把口模式,监督系统有内部监督和外部监督。针对现行体系各子系统存在的层次不清、地位不明、类别不合理、法规不健全、管理关系混乱、监督不到位等主要缺陷,研究提出明确奖励等级序列,规范同层奖励关系,创新奖励形式;建立国家行政奖励基本法,加强地方奖励立法,依法设奖、施奖;加强宏观管理,优化工作机制,提高奖励资金管理水平;完善强力多维监督,引入行政监察和行政复议监督,加强舆论和群众监督,强化奖励全程审计监督,制止多报、谎报、瞒报行为等改进建议。 |
LU Zhi-cheng1,GUO Hui-ping2,LI Bin-qin3
(1.School of Physical Education,Jiaying University,Meizhou 514015,China;2.School of Sport Economics and Management,Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,Wuhan 430079,China;3.School of Education,Jiaying University,Meizhou 514015,China) Abstract: Administrative sport rewarding is an important constituent part of administrative rewarding in China; its implementation plays an important role in realizing China’s administrative management objectives in the sport area. This rewarding system is composed of such 4 sub systems as reward system, management system, legislation sys-tem and supervision system. The reward system is divided into a level structure and a category structure, the legisla-tion system consists of legal and department rules, the management system implements a division department man-agement mode, and the supervision system includes internal supervision and external supervision. Aiming at major defects existing in various sub systems in the currently effective system, such as unclear levels, ambiguous posi-tions, irrational categories, incomplete legislations, messed management relations, and not well executed supervi-sion, the authors studied and put forward the following suggestions for improvement: specify the rewarding level order, standardize the relation between rewards at the same level, innovate rewarding forms; establish a basic re-warding law in China, strengthen local legislation for rewarding, establish and give rewards according to law; strengthen macroscopic management, optimize the working mechanism, enhance reward fund management per-formance; perfect and intensify multidimensional supervision, introduce administrative monitoring and reconsidered administrative supervision, strengthen supervision by the media and masses, intensify complete rewarding audit and supervision, and deter excessive reporting, false reporting and mislead reporting behaviors. |