(1.安徽农业大学 体育部,安徽 合肥 230026;2.中国科学技术大学 心理教育中心,安徽 合肥 230026) 摘 要:运用分层抽样、回归分析等方法探讨大学生锻炼态度对身体自我描述的影响。结果发现,大学生锻炼行为与锻炼态度具有较高一致性;行为习惯、情感体验和行为控制对身体自我描述存在直接效应;行为意向、行为态度、主观标准、行为认知和目标态度对身体自我描述存在间接影响。 |
ZHANG Yu-qiang1,XU Xiao-fei2
(1.Department of Physical Educaiton,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China)(2.Psychoeducation Center,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230036,China) Abstract: By adopting the stratified sampling method, the authors sampled college students currently studying in institutes of higher learning in Hefei city, Anhui province, trying to probe into the effects of college students’ exer-cising attitude on self body description. By applying the regression analysis method, the authors revealed the fol-lowing findings: college students’ exercising behavior is quite consistent with their exercising attitude; there is a di-rect effect of their behavior habit, emotional experience and behavior control on self body description; there is an indirect effect of their behavior intention, behavior attitude, subjective standard, behavior recognition and objective attitude on self body description. |