(1.苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215021;2.上海体育学院 武术系,上海 200438) 摘 要:从历史文化发展的视角,以中国武术教育为研究对象,通过对拳种进行文化学分析,提出拳种意识。以梳理武术教育发展的几个时期的历史特点为前提,对当下武术教育的统一化、单一化技术传播模式,缺少文化内涵,受竞技意识主导等问题进行原点上的反思。指出拳种以其高超的技术、博大的理论和深邃的精神思想构成了传统武术的基本文化单元,是中国武术文化赖以生存、发展和延绵的根基,散发着中国传统文化的璀璨光芒。只有强化拳种意识,未来的中国武术教育才会有血有肉,才会生机盎然,才会实现传承民族文化、弘扬民族精神的根本目的。 |
WANG Gang1,QIU Pi-xiang2,BAO Lei1
(1.School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,China;2.Wushu Department,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: From the perspective of historical and cultural development, by basing their research subject on Wushu education in China, and by performing a cultural analysis on boxing types, the authors put forward the boxing type awareness. Under the precondition of sorting out the historical characteristics of the development of Wushu educa-tion in several periods, the authors conducted original point type retrospection on such problems existing in today’s Wushu education as unified and undiversified technical communication mode, the lack of cultural connotations, and Wushu education being governed by the competitive awareness. The author pointed out that boxing type has consti-tuted the basic cultural unit of traditional Wushu based on its diversified techniques, profound theories and great spiritual ideology, being a foundation relied on by Chinese Wushu culture for existence, development and growth, glistering with the brilliant shine of traditional Chinese culture. Only by enhancing the boxing type awareness can Wushu education in China in the future be materialized and energized, and can the fundamental goal to carry on na-tional culture and promote national spirit be realized. |