(1.西南大学 体育学院,重庆 400715;2.深圳市红岭中学,广东 深圳 518000) 摘 要:比较不同肥胖判定指标检测青年大学生肥胖率的差异。采用人体成分分析仪(INBODY3.0)测定65名青年大学生人体成分,分别选择4种不同的指标包括BF%、BMI、WHR和OBD来评价男性、女性肥胖情况。结果:BF%、BMI、WHR和OBD 4个指标对男女生的体脂超标检出率有差异,其中男生之间的差异显著、女生之间的差异不显著;BF%与OBD、BMI和WHR相互之间均高度相关,但4个指标与身体脂肪量以及BF%与其他3个指标的相关系数大小有一定差异。结果表明:评判体脂和肥胖时应该首选能反映身体脂肪量及比例的BF%指标和反映身体内脂肪分布的WHR指标。至于BMI和OBD两个指标,由于不能精确区分是脂肪过量或肌肉发达引致的肥胖,以及可能检查不出“隐形肥胖”者,在评判青年人的身体成分与肥胖时要特别谨慎,最好能与其他指标共同使用。 |
CHEN Yu-rong1,SUN Xiao2,PENG Li1
(1.School of Physical Education,South West University,Chongqing 400715,China;2.Shenzhen Hongling Secondary School,Shenzhen 518000,China) Abstract: The authors compared the differences in measuring the young college student obesity rate with different obesity determination indexes. The authors measured the body constituents of 65 young college students with a body constituent analyzer (INBODY3.0) made in Korea, and evaluated male and female obesity conditions by re-spectively selecting 4 different indexes (including BF%, BMI, WHR and OBD), and derived the following results: such 4 indexes as BF%, BMI, WHR and OBD produced different body fat standard exceeding detection rates, the differences between male students were significant, while the differences between female students were not signifi-cant; BF% and OBD as well as BMI and WHR were highly correlative, the coefficients of correlation between the 4 indexes and the body fat content as well as BF% and other 3 indexes were somewhat different. The said results in-dicated that when determining body fat and obesity, the BF% index that can reflect the body fat content and per-centage and the WHR index that can reflect body fat distribution should be selected as the first choices; as for such two indexes as BMI and OBD, when they are used to determine youngster’s body constituents and obesity, they should be treated very cautiously, had better be used together with other indexes, since they cannot precisely tell whether the obesity is caused by over fat or by muscularity, and they may fail to check out “invisible obesity” suf-ferers. |