(山西师范大学 体育学院,山西 临汾 041000) 摘 要:墓地祭祀竞技是古希腊人所独创的在死者墓地举行的比赛活动,以如此积极的人生态度去直面死亡也是古希腊人所独有的文化习俗。正是这种坦然面对死亡,积极进取的生活态度与竞赛方式,铸造了古希腊人独有的生死和英雄观念。同时墓地祭祀竞技比赛在无形中也以仪式的形式,强化了社会共同体成员之间的联系,成为联接族群、个体、神灵之间的桥梁与纽带,在强化个体的同时强化了整个社会。 |
XU Guo-bao
(School of Physical Education,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041000,China) Abstract: Originally created by ancient Grecians, sacrificial graveyard competition is a competitive activity con-ducted at the graveyard of the dead, also an exclusive cultural custom of ancient Grecians, in which they face death with such a positive life attitude. It is such a life attitude and competition manner of facing death calmly and striving actively that forged the exclusive life and death conception and heroic conception of ancient Grecians. In the mean time, sacrificial graveyard competition intangibly strengthened the connection between members in the social com-munity by means of rite, becoming a bridge or link to connect tribes, individuals and gods, strengthening the entire society while strengthening individuals. |