(上海体育学院 体育教育训练学院,上海 200438) 摘 要:对学校体育伦理的内涵、缺失与建构进行分析。认为学校体育伦理贯穿于学校体育活动过程中,反映了一定时期内社会公众对学校体育活动的道德价值评判和理想,是学校体育活动中平衡各方利益的“杠杆”。学校体育伦理应关爱学生的生命价值,确保学生接受学校体育教育的权利,向以人为本的伦理价值观回归;学校体育应倡导公平、正义的环境;学校体育应确保参与者能够相互尊重、平等相待、共同发展。 |
LI Shi-hong
(School of Physical Education and Training,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: The author analyzed the connotations, missing and construction of school physical education ethics. Through his study the author put forward the following opinions: in the process of going through school physical education activities, school physical education ethics reflect the judgment and ideal of the public for the ethical value of school physical education, being a “lever” to balance the interests of various parties in school physical education activities; school physical education ethics should care about student’s life value, ensure student’s right to receive school physical education, and return to the people orientated ethical value view; school physical education should advocate a fair and just environment; school physical education should ensure that participants in activities can respect each other, treat each other equally, and develop jointly. |