(河南科技大学 体育部,河南 洛阳 471003) 摘 要:通过搜集相关史料加以分析,可知1897-1898年间清代武举制度的变革始于内忧外患,特别是中日甲午战争的失败,是促使清朝军事制度变革的转折点。另外,火器在军事上广泛的使用,作战方式也要求改进和提高,使得清代武举制度不能符合时代战事的要求,因而在戊戌变法前后,提议变革武举制度的呼声高涨。提议武举变革的内容包括提倡设武备特科,停止弓、刀、石考试改设兵校,限制应考资格和更改考试内容,改试枪炮等,但最终因戊戌变法的失败而告终。 |
(Department of Physical Education,Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang 471003,China) Abstract: By collecting and analyzing related historical data, the author concluded that the transformation of the Wu regime system of the Qing dynasty between 1897 and 1898 started due to domestic difficulties and foreign in-vasions, especially, the failure of the Jiawu War fought by China against Japan was the turning point of transforma-tion of the military system of the Qing dynasty; furthermore, with the extensive military application of fire arms, it was required that combat maneuver manners be improved and enhanced, but the Wu regime system of the Qing dy-nasty failed to meet war requirements at that time, therefore, the call for the transformation of the Wu regime system was quite loud before and after Wuxu Reform. Suggested contents of Wu regime transformation include the estab-lishment of weapon department, replacing archery, knife and stone arms examinations with soldier examination, re-stricting examination qualification, changing examination contents, and examining the use of guns and cannons. However, due to the failure of Wuxu Reform, the transformation failed ultimately. |