(1.江西师范大学 体育学院,江西 南昌 330027;2.江西省体育运动学校,江西 南昌 330006) 摘 要:《荷马史诗》是古希腊乃至整个西方世界文明发展中的重要著作。荷马时代是古希腊文明的历史源头,是《荷马史诗》主要描写和反映的历史时段。在《荷马史诗》中我们能够寻找到古希腊人为何如此热爱体育竞技,体育竞技可以给英雄带来无尚荣誉。通过对《荷马史诗》中英雄人物的剖析,发现体育竞技可以培养人荣誉和机智的勇敢。《荷马史诗》中蕴藏的体育竞技思想是寻找古希腊体育思想的无尽源泉。 |
LIU Xin-ran1,TAO Guo-xin2
(1.School of Physical Education,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330027,China;2.Sports School in Jiangxi Province,Nanchang 330006,China) Abstract: “Homer's Epic” is the important work in the development of civilization of ancient Greece and even the entire western world. The Homer era is the historical origin of civilization of ancient Greece, and a historical period depicted and reflected in Homer’s Epic to the utmost. In Homer’s Epic we can find why ancient Grecians love competitive sports so much: competitive sports can bring ultimate honors to heroes. By dissecting heroic characters in Homer’s Epic, we find that competitive sports can cultivate people’s honorable braveness and smart braveness. Sports competition ideology contained in Homer’s Epic is an endless source for us to explore the sports ideology of ancient Greece. |